The process of transition to a draw for allocating Saturday tee times will commence on Thursday 6th January 2022 at 7.00pm.
This trial period will consist of 1 draw night to cover a 3 week period, followed by 2 draws on the next draw night to cover the next 6 weeks (2 x 3 week periods), and a draw for a further 3 week period. There will be an opportunity for further feedback, discussion, and amendments if necessary at the end of this 3 month trial period, (date to be advised).
The following timetable sets out the dates for our 3 month trial period.
Thursday 6th January 7.00pm Draw to determine tee times for: Sat. 15th Jan
Sat. 22nd Jan
Sat. 29th Jan
Thursday 27th January 7.00pm Draw1 to determine tee times for: Sat. 5th Feb
Sat 12th Feb
Sat 19th Feb
Draw2 to determine tee times for: Sat 26th Feb
Sat 5th Mar
Sat 12th Mar
Thursday 10th March 7.00pm Draw1 to determine tee times for: Sat. 19th Mar
Sat 26th Mar
Sat 2nd Apr
1. Draws will be made on a Thursday evening in the clubhouse at 7.00pm, 9 days prior to the first Saturday of the draw period.
2. 1 draw entry for each 3-ball or 4-ball names put forward. Names to be submitted to the draw administrator by 6.55pm, where upon a draw number will be notified to the group representative. No players name may be submitted on more than on 3 or 4 ball entry.
3. Single players and groups of 2 will be encouraged to find empty slots on the timesheet each week, or join others to have an entry in the draw as a group of 3 or 4.
4. The names of 1 junior (max h’cap 18), may be included in any entry.
5. Upon drawing each number, the group rep. will be asked to nominate their selected time from those available.
6. The last 5 groups having been drawn, will be assured being drawn first for the following 3 week draw.
7. At the conclusion of the draw, any single players in attendance will be given the first opportunity to add their name to spaces made available from 3 ball groups.
8. Details of names and times will be entered onto BRS system, which will then go live the following day at noon, allowing any player to make amendments (addition/removal) for the 3 week period from that point.
9. All individuals are reminded of the requirement to remove their name before 3pm on a Friday if unable to play on any Saturday. Persistent offenders will be referred to disciplinary.
10. Booking of tee times for Sunday through to Friday will remain as at present with time sheet becoming available on BRS at noon 6 days in advance.
